Smart water management system

Smart water management system

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Smart water management system

Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Sub Sector
Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Indicative Return
Describes the rate of growth an investment is expected to generate within the IOA. The indicative return is identified for the IOA by establishing its Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return of Investment (ROI) or Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
> 25% (in GPM)
Investment Timeframe
Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.
Short Term (0–5 years)
Market Size
Describes the value of potential addressable market of the IOA. The market size is identified for the IOA by establishing the value in USD, identifying the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or providing a numeric unit critical to the IOA.
> USD 1 billion
Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.
USD 1 million - USD 10 million
Direct Impact
Describes the primary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
Indirect Impact
Describes the secondary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Good health and well-being (SDG 3)

Business Model Description

Smart water management system aim to improve water management efficiency in an all-around way with the help of IoT technology.Traditional end-user equipment will be upgrade to terminals that could produce massive amounts of data which will be used to inform water management decisions.

Expected Impact

Smart water projects can improve the quality and efficiency of water supply through rational utilization of water resources.

How is this information gathered?

Investment opportunities with potential to contribute to sustainable development are based on country-level SDG Investor Maps.


UNDP, the Private Finance for the SDGs, and their affiliates (collectively “UNDP”) do not seek or solicit investment for programmes, projects, or opportunities described on this site (collectively “Programmes”) or any other Programmes, and nothing on this page should constitute a solicitation for investment. The actors listed on this site are not partners of UNDP, and their inclusion should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by UNDP for any relationship or investment.

The descriptions on this page are provided for informational purposes only. Only companies and enterprises that appear under the case study tab have been validated and vetted through UNDP programmes such as the Growth Stage Impact Ventures (GSIV), Business Call to Action (BCtA), or through other UN agencies. Even then, under no circumstances should their appearance on this website be construed as an endorsement for any relationship or investment. UNDP assumes no liability for investment losses directly or indirectly resulting from recommendations made, implied, or inferred by its research. Likewise, UNDP assumes no claim to investment gains directly or indirectly resulting from trading profits, investment management, or advisory fees obtained by following investment recommendations made, implied, or inferred by its research.

Investment involves risk, and all investments should be made with the supervision of a professional investment manager or advisor. The materials on the website are not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any investment, security, or commodity, nor shall any security be offered or sold to any person, in any jurisdiction in which such offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

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Country & Regions

Explore the country and target locations of the investment opportunity.
  • China: Hainan
  • China: Gansu
  • China: Hunan
  • China: Yunnan
  • China: Sichuan
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Sector Classification

Situate the investment opportunity within sustainability focused sector, subsector and industry classifications.


Development need
Significant differences in terms of quality of the infrastructure exist between urban and rural areas in china. In rural areas, power grids are costly yet of poor quality, and water quality needs to be further improved. (1) China’s circular economy development faces great challenges including lack of standardization, difficulties in recycling low-value material etc. (2)

Policy priority
The 14th 5-Year Plan highlighted the importance of building a modern network of infrastructure that is smart, eco-friendly, safe, and reliable. (3)The State Council issued Action Plan for Cabon Peaking, in which promoting circular economy was listed among the ten major actions. (4)The "No. 1 Central Document"" for 2021 also highlighted the need to imporve rural infrastructure. (5)

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Significant differences in the quality of infrastructure between urban and rural areas in China exist. Rural residents struggle to get access to quality and green infrastructure.

Investment opportunities introduction
The IOAs in the infrastructure sector center around low-carbon waste treatment, as well as building safer and smarter supply systems of water and electricity.

Key bottlenecks introduction
Infrastructure construction requires large amounts of investment, most of which is government-led or requires subsidies. In some fields, such as waste management, policies and regulations are to be improved; in the field of water and energy consumption, pricing mechanism is also in need of improvement.

Sub Sector


Development need
Affected by cliamte change, major rivers in eastern China have witnessed decrease in the runoff volume since the mid-20th century. Frequent cliamte-related disasters also reduce the availability of water resources, contributing to water shortage in China. Along with accerlerated global warming, China will face more water resource risks in the future. (6)

Policy priority
The ""14th Five Year Plan for Building a Water-saving Society"" stated that China plans to build a water-saving society. Measures must be taken to establish a comprehensive water pricing mechanism reflecting water scarcity and supply costs. Explore to establish an integrated water management mechanism and encourage the engagement of third-party enterprises in water supply. (7)

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
There is still a huge gap between rural and urban areas in terms of the water quality and wastewater treatment capacity.

Investment opportunities introduction
The IOAs in this sector center around water supply and treatment, and smart water management system.

Key bottlenecks introduction
The water industry is still facing challenges such as single business model, strong geographical restrictions, and insufficient scale.


Water Utilities and Services

Pipeline Opportunity

Discover the investment opportunity and its corresponding business model.
Investment Opportunity Area

Smart water management system

Business Model

Smart water management system aim to improve water management efficiency in an all-around way with the help of IoT technology.Traditional end-user equipment will be upgrade to terminals that could produce massive amounts of data which will be used to inform water management decisions.

Business Case

Learn about the investment opportunity’s business metrics and market risks.

Market Size and Environment

Market Size (USD)
Describes the value in USD of a potential addressable market of the IOA.

> USD 1 billion

Describes the historical or expected annual growth of revenues in the IOA market.

20% - 25%

In 2020, the market size of China's smart water industry was about 12.48 billion yuan. It is expected that to reach 37 billion yuan by 2026, with a CAGR of about 20%. (9)

Indicative Return

Describes an expected percentage of revenue (that is actual profit before adjusting for operating cost) from the IOA investment.

> 25%

In 2020, the gross margin of intelligent water business is about 35.9%, including He Da Technology 50.08%, Hanwei Technology 33.49%, Shenzhou Taiyue 60.11%, Creative Information 20.92%, Feilixin 19.9%, Donghua Software 28.59%, Sai for intelligent 32.03%, Goldwind Technology 22.68%.(10)

Investment Timeframe

Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.

Short Term (0–5 years)

Take Suntront Technology Co., Ltd.’s smart water cloud server as an example, the project payback period is 3.92 years (before tax). (11)

Ticket Size

Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.

USD 1 million - USD 10 million

Market Risks & Scale Obstacles


Data plays a critical role. However, multiple outstanding problems still exist, including insufficient development, poor time efficiency, and data compatibility issues. Moreover, with high requirements for talents, the smart water sector is facing a shortage of versatile talents. (13)

Impact Case

Read about impact metrics and social and environmental risks of the investment opportunity.

Sustainable Development Need

China’s water stress is on the rise due to the increasing demand from industrialisation and urbanization. The combination of inefficient water management and widespread water pollution has worsened the problem.

Gender & Marginalisation

Urban areas are outperforming rural areas in terms of smart water projects, which indicates a prominent regional imbalance.

Expected Development Outcome

The smart water management system will improve the intelligence level of urban water supply and sewage treatment systems, enhancing water use efficiency.

Gender & Marginalisation

Expansion in the layout of smart water projects in rural areas helps mitigate regional imbalance issues.

Primary SDGs addressed

Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
6 - Clean water and sanitation

6.4.1 Change in water-use efficiency over time

Secondary SDGs addressed

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Directly impacted stakeholders


Urban water supply capacity can be improved. The quality of residential water supply can be guaranteed.


Smart water projects can effectively protect the water ecological environment while making rational use of water resources, advancing urban ecological conservation at the same time.

Indirectly impacted stakeholders


Smart water projects creates jobs and reduces residents' health problems and medical expenses due to poor water quality and pollution.

Outcome Risks

The industrial control network that urban water services rely on is directly connected to management networks and the Internet, which exposes it to certain safety risks.

Impact Risks

More investment is needed to tackle the compatibility and problem-solving gaps between the smart water system and the actual application.

Impact Classification

B—Benefit Stakeholders


The outcome is very likely to be positive, long-term and large-scale, because investment can advance the development of water supply.


There are safety and compatibility risks associated with smart water systems.

Impact Thesis

Smart water projects can improve the quality and efficiency of water supply through rational utilization of water resources.

Enabling Environment

Explore policy, regulatory and financial factors relevant for the investment opportunity.

Policy Environment

(Policy document): The 14th 5-year plan stated that new smart cities should be built based on their gradings and classifications. Smart water services will be further developed with the development of smart water systems and be involved in the smart city system. (18)

(Policy document): In July 2020, the General Office of NDRC proposed new directions for urbanization, including the digital transformation of public infrastructures in counties and towns and in municipal administration areas including water management. (19)

(Policy document): In 2019, the Ministry of Water Resources proposed that an internet safety protection system specialized for water conservancy at the provincial level, water information network and anwater monitoring and sensing network should be developed. (20)

Financial Environment

Financial incentives: In 2018. the Ministry of Water Resources stated that we should deepen the reform of water resources investment and financing mechanism, boost investment in water resources, improve related policies, and actively direct and regulate the participation of social capital. (23)

In 2021, the Ministry of Water Resources pointed out that to facilitate smart water conservancy construction, all units should actively attract investment, expand capital sources, coordinate capital channels for major water conservancy project management. (24)

Regulatory Environment

In 2017, the ""Cybersecurity Law of China"" came into force stated that special protection should be provided for critical information infrastructures such as urban water-affairs public services. Cybersecurity ensures the healthy and long-term development of smart water services. (21)

In 2017, the Ministry of Water Resources issued the ""Measures for the Administration and Construction of Water Resource Informatization"", which specified the requirements for all parts of the water resource informatization projects. (22)

Marketplace Participants

Discover examples of public and private stakeholders active in this investment opportunity that were identified through secondary research and consultations.

Private Sector

Beijing Philisense Technology Co., Ltd., Integrated Electronic Systems Lab Co., Ltd., Suntront Technology Co., Ltd.


Beijing, Fujian, and Chongqing provinces have all announced that investments would be made to vigorously develop smart water platforms. In addition, Hainan will spend 28 billion yuan on building an island-based green and smart water network during the 14th five-year period. (24)

Target Locations

See what country regions are most suitable for the investment opportunity. All references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of the Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)
country static map

China: Hainan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Water Utilities and Services, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Gansu

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Water Utilities and Services, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Hunan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Water Utilities and Services, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Yunnan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Water Utilities and Services, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Sichuan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Water Utilities and Services, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.


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